Because my memory is really bad and sometimes knowing what's left todo on a project can come in handy I've written a script to keep track of my todo's.
In the end I spent more time on it than I anticipated but I think the result was worth it :)
You can download and install it on your own server. You do need php and mysql for this to work. The script uses javascript and ajax.
You can find the files
here. The readme is below. The script is inconsistently written in English and Dutch, mainly because it was a personal project for myself :)
If you're going to use it please let me know what you think of it. And I don't do licenses ;)
Well this is the first version of a ToDo script I wrote.
It's working fine for as far as the functions I need.
Some things you should know:
- Script uses javascript, AJAX and MySQL
- Table structure required by script included in create_table.sql
- Even though my coding structure is fairly safe by default, I haven't done a whole lot of checking for proper input. Be very aware before putting this script online!
- Any database manipulation is done in submit.php (all queries are called by squery() found in queries.php)
- Afaik all text input is fed to mysql_real_escape_string() and numbers to intval() serverside
- I was inconsistent with language, it's a mix of Dutch and English. I usually code in English, but this was mostly a personal project.
- All the AJAX adding and changing should work inline, tested on IE6, FF2 and Opera9
- You may have to check into the encoding when your language uses other characters besides the basic a-z (like French, Spanish or German). I did not bother about them.
To set up:
- Execute query found in create_table.sql on the database of your choice
- Edit mysql login information at the top of queries.php
- Edit ip-address in .htaccess or remove file so anyone can see it
- Edit ip-address at top of queries.php or remove line/restriction (not recommended for public view!)
- The index.php file is your todo list, anything else is auxxilary to this file
- .htaccess
- ajax.js
- index.php
- queries.php
- submit.php
- todo.js
- create_table.sql
- readme.txt
Known issues:
- Script might generate a lot of queries (one per head, one per item, enable debugmode in index.php to see queries)
- Unable to delete heads or give them a priority
Again, the script is fairly safe, but I have not thoroughly checked it for security! Don't blatantly put this script online to the public without checking yourself!!
If you like the script or have anything else to say, let me know at
- qFox
- v1.00, January 2008