Created this a while back. Not sure if there was a purpose or maybe I was just bored. Either way... This is a simple implementation of the game Set. It's not complete (it will not check if there's actually a combination on the current table, so it will never warn you for it or add more cards to the table) but I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader ;) I've coded it a while back and it's just been sitting here so I just wanted to put this in a blog and move on :)
Go paste this at
the Orbit editor. (
var deck = [];
var selections = [];
var visibleCards = 0;
function start(){
var newDeck = createDeck();
deck = [];
function createDeck(){
var deck = [];
for (var i=0, len=3*3*3*3; i<len; ++i) {
return deck;
function shuffle(newDeck){
while (newDeck.length) deck.push(newDeck.splice(Math.floor(newDeck.length*Math.random()), 1)[0]);
function toCard(i){
return {
function drawCard(card,x,y){
card.x = x;
card.y = y; = new Group().attr({x:x,y:y,cursor:'pointer'}).addTo(stage).on('pointerup', onCardClick(card)); = new Rect(0,0,50,96,5).stroke('black', 1).addTo(;
if (card.count === 1) {
createCardShape(card, 17, 40);
} else if (card.count === 2) {
createCardShape(card, 17, 27);
createCardShape(card, 17, 57);
} else {
createCardShape(card, 17, 12);
createCardShape(card, 17, 40);
createCardShape(card, 17, 68);
return card;
function createCardShape(card, x,y){
var bs = null;
if (card.shape === 0) bs = new Circle(x+8, y+8, 8);
else if (card.shape === 1) bs = new Rect(x,y,16,16);
else bs = new Path().attr({x:x,y:y}).moveTo(8,0).lineTo(16,16).lineTo(0,16).lineTo(8,0);
var color = 'orange';
if (card.color === 1) color = 'blue';
else if (card.color === 2) color = 'green';
var shape = card.shape;
var fill = card.fill;
bs.attr({fillColor:fill?color:'', strokeColor:color, strokeWidth:2, opacity:fill===1?.3:1}).addTo(;
return bs;
function onCardClick(card){
return function(){
if (selections.indexOf(card) >= 0) {
// deselect card{fillColor: ''});
selections.splice(selections.indexOf(card), 1);
if (selections.length) selections[0].bs.attr({fillColor:'yellow'});
if (selections.length>1) selections[1].bs.attr({fillColor:'yellow'});
} else if (selections.length < 3) {
selections.push(card);{fillColor: 'yellow'});
if (selections.length === 3) {
// check if selection conditions hold
if (isSet(selections[0],selections[1],selections[2])) {
// replace cards
selections.forEach(function(s){; })
visibleCards -= 3;
if (!deck.length && !visibleCards) finished();
if (visibleCards < 12) {
for (var i=0; i<3 && deck.length; ++i) {
drawCard(deck.pop(), selections[i ].x, selections[i ].y);
selections = [];
} else {
for (var i=0; i<3; ++i) {
selections[i ].bs.attr({fillColor:'red'});
function sameOrUnique(a,b,c){
if (a === b && b === c) return true;
if (a !== b && b !== c && a !== c) return true;
return false;
function isSet(a,b,c){
return (
sameOrUnique(a.color, b.color, c.color) &&
sameOrUnique(a.shape, b.shape, c.shape) &&
sameOrUnique(a.fill, b.fill, c.fill) &&
sameOrUnique(a.count, b.count, c.count)
function drawTable(){
for (var i=0; i<12; ++i) {
if (deck.length) drawCard(deck.pop(), 10+(i%3*60), 10+(Math.floor(i/3)*110));
function finished(){
var bs = drawCard(toCard(Math.floor(Math.random()*81)), 300, 100).group;
.animate('2s', {opacity:0})
.animate('2s', {x:Math.random()*600}, {easing:'bounceIn'})
.animate('2s', {y:500}, {easing:'bounceOut', onEnd:function(){ bs.destroy(); bs=null; }});
}, 500);