PathSharing opened


Ok, I've launched PathSharing now. Sort of. This is the result of half a years work. In between trying to have a life and my study.

PathSharing allows you to edit and share GPS tracks with other people. It's interesting for travelers, atheletes, geocachers and technerds. You can create a movie of your track by adding comments to certain points or adding pictures or links for that point.

The main problem now is that I totally don't agree with the current interface or some of the current features. Some features seemed nice to implement at the time being, but looking back now they just don't fit.

Stuff like the groups and contacts system is going to have to go. It just diverts from the core of the site. Userlevels have to be simplified. Some tools of the track editor have to be grouped together or need a better layout. The whole external source thing has to be implemented differently.

Anyways, that will have to wit. For now the whole thing is going to run for a while and I'm going to focus on some other projects.

Anyways, have fun with it. I hope you like it.

It's going to be a bit exciting. The .ME landrush is over now and I've tried to claim If I got it, the name will be changed to that, but for now I'm going to asume I wasn't the only one interested, in which case an auction starts and I'm backing off.